Datagest Software
The software for data management is provided in combination with Gibitre programs and permits the management of test Results, Statistics, Tolerance Limits, Customers, Products, ageing Treatments

Datagest is the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) which is always installed in combination with all Gibitre instrument-control programs.
The program is the collector for all the test result produced with the instruments connected and permits to manage the common Archives used by the instruments (Product List, Customer List, Tolerance limits, Order List, etc)

Main Functions 
The program allows you to:
• View, Filter, Print, Compare, Export the Results of tests carried out with all connected Gibitre instruments.
• Prepare, Copy, Export, Import Test procedures for connected instruments.
• Define tolerance limits by entering them manually or through the statistical processing of the archived results.
• Produce multi-instrument test reports
• Manage Credentials and Access Rights of users who access all Gibitre programs.

Gibitre Standard SQL Database 
All the Gibitre programs use a database with SQL structure for saving the results.
The database can be installed inside an SQL instance present on the company server or it can be installed on a PC connected to a measuring instrument. The installation of the Microsoft SQL service (Express version) is included in the supply.

Storage of Test Results 
The Datagest program allows to store all the results of the tests carried out with all the Gibitre instruments connected to the database.
For each result are stored: Order, Lot,
Batch, Sample number, Job code, Product,
Customer, Aging treatment, Tolerance limits, Numerical results, Test curves, Notes, Test date and time, Operator, Instrument and Test procedure used.
• Data visualization is totally customizable.

Filtering and usage of stored Results 
The Datagest program incorporates a sophisticated interface that lets you filter the stored data as needed.
It is possible to filter through:
• Drop down menu
• Direct text entry
• Selection of the affected lines
• Selection by analogy on each field
• Advanced filter Menu
• Hyperlink selection

Use of Stored data: Test Details 
For each saved test it is possible to view:
• Numerical results
• Limits of tolerance and relative outcome
• Test curves
• Archived Notes

Use of Stored data: Comparison of Results and Curves 
You may need to compare test results obtained in different periods or following changes in the production process.
Datagest allows to:
• Overlay the selected test curves
• Produce a statistical analysis and X-R cards
• Use Pivot Tables

Tolerance and Warning Limits 
Tolerance and Alarm Limits are managed for:
• Product,
• Test procedure,
• Customer,
• Product treatment
• Date of input

Limits can be introduced:
• Manually
• By Statistical Processing of Results

Test Procedures 
The SQL database that is installed together with the tools contains predefined test procedures for each type of Gibitre tool.
Test procedures contain:
• settings for automatic instrument adjustment
• the list of results to be calculated on the basis of what is required by international standards.
The Datagest program allows you to: copy, modify, create the Test Procedures to adapt them to your needs.

Test procedures can be exported and imported. This allows Gibitre Remote Support to support you in the preparation and testing of customized Test Procedures.

Prepare your test Report 
You can use one of the available report formats, insert your logo, one or more graphs, tolerance limits, statistics, images, legend, notes, etc.

You can select the language you prefer and print the report or better produce it in PDF, Word or Excel format.

In addition, the software includes a Report Editor that allows you to:
• Create copies of the default report format
• Modify them to your liking
• Save new formats produced
• Select which format you want to use for printing.

Multi-Instrument Test Reports 
The program allows you to prepare customized reports to send the results of all tests carried out to your customers.
It's possible:
• Select Logo and Language
• Include Test Curves
• Include Tolerances and Statistics
• Include the scanned signature

Reports can be saved in Pdf or Word format (fully editable) or sent directly by e-mail
In the images some examples of reports included in the standard installation.

Management of Users 
Datagest program manages the list of users and their access rights to all Gibitre programs.
For each user you can set:
• Username and Password
• Access Righets (administrator, Operator, User)
• Scanned Signature to be included in the test reports.

According to the access rights, the users can:
• Edit or Delete Test Results and approval status.
• Create, Edit, Remove Test Procedures
• Create, Edit, Remove Tolerance Limits
• Create, Edit, Remove Products, Customers, Orders
• Change Instrument Setups
• Edit Report Data

Manual Entry of Test Results 
The Datagest program allows you to manually enter the test results obtained with instruments that are not connected or that do not produce digital results.
In this way you can:
- Complete the archiving of evidence
- Produce Multi-Instrument Test Reports that include all the work done.

Export of Data 
The program is equipped with various tools for data export:
• Export Selected Results to .csv file (Excel compatible)
• Export of curve points to .csv files
• SQL query for data export to other platforms
• Excel file with dynamic data connection to the test list

In addition, procedures are provided for data export with specified paths and methods.

Synchronization of Data with Management Programs 
Normally, every company has a production control software where information about incoming materials, products, customers, and production orders are stored.
Normally the main control activity refers to incoming products or production control.
To have traceability of control activity the test results must be identified according to your identification system inserting information such as Product Code, Order, Lot Number, Customer Code (or Provider code), batch number, Operator, Date and time.
The syncronization of your company management sw and Gibitre database can be easily done using Gibitre - Company Connect program.

Language Selection 
All the programs produced by Gibitre are multi-language and allow the operator to select the language of use.
The test report can be produced in the desired language regardless of the language of use of the program.
The languages available at the moment are: Italian, English, German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Czech

Gibitre Instruments
Via dell'industria, 18
Bergamo (Italy)
te. +39 035 461146

Copyright Gibitre Instruments
The software for data management is provided in combination with Gibitre programs and permits the management of test Results, Statistics, Tolerance Limits, Customers, Products, ageing Treatments

Datagest Software

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The software for data management is provided in combination with Gibitre programs and permits the management of test Results, Statistics, Tolerance Limits, Customers, Products, ageing Treatments
Datagest is the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) which is always installed in combination with all Gibitre instrument-control programs.
The program is the collector for all the test result produced with the instruments connected and permits to manage the common Archives used by the instruments (Product List, Customer List, Tolerance limits, Order List, etc)

Main Functions 
The program allows you to:
• View, Filter, Print, Compare, Export the Results of tests carried out with all connected Gibitre instruments.
• Prepare, Copy, Export, Import Test procedures for connected instruments.
• Define tolerance limits by entering them manually or through the statistical processing of the archived results.
• Produce multi-instrument test reports
• Manage Credentials and Access Rights of users who access all Gibitre programs.
Gibitre Standard SQL Database 
All the Gibitre programs use a database with SQL structure for saving the results.
The database can be installed inside an SQL instance present on the company server or it can be installed on a PC connected to a measuring instrument. The installation of the Microsoft SQL service (Express version) is included in the supply.
Storage of Test Results 
The Datagest program allows to store all the results of the tests carried out with all the Gibitre instruments connected to the database.
For each result are stored: Order, Lot,
Batch, Sample number, Job code, Product,
Customer, Aging treatment, Tolerance limits, Numerical results, Test curves, Notes, Test date and time, Operator, Instrument and Test procedure used.
• Data visualization is totally customizable.
Filtering and usage of stored Results 
The Datagest program incorporates a sophisticated interface that lets you filter the stored data as needed.
It is possible to filter through:
• Drop down menu
• Direct text entry
• Selection of the affected lines
• Selection by analogy on each field
• Advanced filter Menu
• Hyperlink selection
Use of Stored data: Test Details 
For each saved test it is possible to view:
• Numerical results
• Limits of tolerance and relative outcome
• Test curves
• Archived Notes
Use of Stored data: Comparison of Results and Curves 
You may need to compare test results obtained in different periods or following changes in the production process.
Datagest allows to:
• Overlay the selected test curves
• Produce a statistical analysis and X-R cards
• Use Pivot Tables
Tolerance and Warning Limits 
Tolerance and Alarm Limits are managed for:
• Product,
• Test procedure,
• Customer,
• Product treatment
• Date of input

Limits can be introduced:
• Manually
• By Statistical Processing of Results
Test Procedures 
The SQL database that is installed together with the tools contains predefined test procedures for each type of Gibitre tool.
Test procedures contain:
• settings for automatic instrument adjustment
• the list of results to be calculated on the basis of what is required by international standards.
The Datagest program allows you to: copy, modify, create the Test Procedures to adapt them to your needs.

Test procedures can be exported and imported. This allows Gibitre Remote Support to support you in the preparation and testing of customized Test Procedures.
Prepare your test Report 
You can use one of the available report formats, insert your logo, one or more graphs, tolerance limits, statistics, images, legend, notes, etc.

You can select the language you prefer and print the report or better produce it in PDF, Word or Excel format.

In addition, the software includes a Report Editor that allows you to:
• Create copies of the default report format
• Modify them to your liking
• Save new formats produced
• Select which format you want to use for printing.
Examples of test Reports
Multi-Instrument Test Reports 
The program allows you to prepare customized reports to send the results of all tests carried out to your customers.
It's possible:
• Select Logo and Language
• Include Test Curves
• Include Tolerances and Statistics
• Include the scanned signature

Reports can be saved in Pdf or Word format (fully editable) or sent directly by e-mail
In the images some examples of reports included in the standard installation.
Management of Users 
Datagest program manages the list of users and their access rights to all Gibitre programs.
For each user you can set:
• Username and Password
• Access Righets (administrator, Operator, User)
• Scanned Signature to be included in the test reports.

According to the access rights, the users can:
• Edit or Delete Test Results and approval status.
• Create, Edit, Remove Test Procedures
• Create, Edit, Remove Tolerance Limits
• Create, Edit, Remove Products, Customers, Orders
• Change Instrument Setups
• Edit Report Data
Manual Entry of Test Results 
The Datagest program allows you to manually enter the test results obtained with instruments that are not connected or that do not produce digital results.
In this way you can:
- Complete the archiving of evidence
- Produce Multi-Instrument Test Reports that include all the work done.
Export of Data 
The program is equipped with various tools for data export:
• Export Selected Results to .csv file (Excel compatible)
• Export of curve points to .csv files
• SQL query for data export to other platforms
• Excel file with dynamic data connection to the test list

In addition, procedures are provided for data export with specified paths and methods.
Synchronization of Data with Management Programs 
Normally, every company has a production control software where information about incoming materials, products, customers, and production orders are stored.
Normally the main control activity refers to incoming products or production control.
To have traceability of control activity the test results must be identified according to your identification system inserting information such as Product Code, Order, Lot Number, Customer Code (or Provider code), batch number, Operator, Date and time.
The syncronization of your company management sw and Gibitre database can be easily done using Gibitre - Company Connect program.
Language Selection 
All the programs produced by Gibitre are multi-language and allow the operator to select the language of use.
The test report can be produced in the desired language regardless of the language of use of the program.
The languages available at the moment are: Italian, English, German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Czech
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Gibitre Programs: a complete solution for your lab
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Il Programma 'Gibitre Company Connection'
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