The initiative: INTEGRATED ENERGY EFFICIENCY: PHOTOVOLTAIC AND RENOVATED LIGHTING Initiative implemented under Priority Axis III: Promoting the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises / Objective Investment for growth and employment
Objective: Investment in growth and employment.
Action III. 3.c.1.1. - Aid for investment in machinery, equipment and intangible assets, and accompaniment of business reorganization and restructuring processes.
The Activity Performed Gibitre Instruments was founded in 2001 as a company dedicated to the production of measuring instruments for the measurement of physical-mechanical properties of rubber and plastics. The company handles the entire production cycle, from mechanical design and software development to testing, installation and maintenance.
The company, located in Bergamo (BG) Via dell'industria, 73 ZIP code 24126, is equipped with modern machining centers that make it possible to manufacture almost all mechanical components in the instruments. The in-house mechanical machining ensures continuous and meticulous control of production and makes it possible to reduce the time for the realization of new projects.
The Project that the enterprise has implemented is based on achieving significant energy savings for the facility
To this end, the enterprise incurred expenses for lighting revamping, replacing the lighting in use and installing LED fixtures, and the implementation of the photovoltaic system
The Results of the Activity The objectives achieved are:
- Reduced environmental impact;
- Reduction of energy costs;
- Achievement of sustainable energy.
The results achieved are as follows:
- Reduction in energy consumption;
- Reduction of business emissions;
- Improved comfort and productivity.
Initiative implemented under Priority Axis III: Promoting the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises / Objective Investment for growth and employment
Objective: Investment in growth and employment.
Action III. 3.c.1.1. - Aid for investment in machinery, equipment and intangible assets, and accompaniment of business reorganization and restructuring processes.
The Activity Performed
Gibitre Instruments was founded in 2001 as a company dedicated to the production of measuring instruments for the measurement of physical-mechanical properties of rubber and plastics. The company handles the entire production cycle, from mechanical design and software development to testing, installation and maintenance.
The company, located in Bergamo (BG) Via dell'industria, 73 ZIP code 24126, is equipped with modern machining centers that make it possible to manufacture almost all mechanical components in the instruments. The in-house mechanical machining ensures continuous and meticulous control of production and makes it possible to reduce the time for the realization of new projects. The Project that the enterprise has implemented is based on achieving significant energy savings for the facility
To this end, the enterprise incurred expenses for lighting revamping, replacing the lighting in use and installing LED fixtures, and the implementation of the photovoltaic system
The Results of the Activity
The objectives achieved are:
- Reduced environmental impact;
- Reduction of energy costs;
- Achievement of sustainable energy.
The results achieved are as follows:
- Reduction in energy consumption;
- Reduction of business emissions;
- Improved comfort and productivity.
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Cookies policy For detailed informations about the use of cookies, please read our Cookies Management Practice.
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