Laboratory instruments for rubber and plastic testing
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The services
Maintenance and Calibration Service 
Gibitre Instruments provides maintenance and calibration service for all instruments installed. Calibration is carried out using reference instruments with traceability to primary standards by Gibitre
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Accreditied Calibration according to ISO 17025 
Gibitre Instruments is ACCREDIA Calibration Laboratory (LAT 00455) in accordance with ISO 17025 and provides calibration services for: • Hardness testers (Shore and IRHD) • Tensile Testers (force, elongation and speed). Accredited calibrations can be performed at Gibitre's laboratory or at the customer's site.
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Remote assistance Service 
Remote Service provided using Team Viewer software for remote installation of programs, immediate problem solving, training, answers to technical questions and more.
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The Software
Programs for Instrument control 
Gibitre has developed a family of Software programs for the use of the instruments, which have similar characteristics and user-friendly interface. The programs are installed on standard PCs with Windows 10 or 11 operating system. All the programs are connected to the Standard Gibitre Database with SQL format. The database can be installed directly on the pc connected to the instrument/s or on a company Server.
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Datagest Program 
The Datagest program is the database management tool, which is always installed, without additional cost, in combination with all Gibitre instrument-control programs. The program permits to: - Select, filter, print, export and analyse the test results stored with all the instruments connected. - Prepare test procedures by defining the test conditions and the results to be produced - Set tolerance limits for each product by manual insertion or using the statistical analysis (mean and standard deviation) of saved results - Prepare multi-instrument test reports.
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The Company
Gibitre Instruments srl 
Gibitre Instruments is an Italian company founded in 1979 that produces instruments for measuring the physical & mechanical properties of rubber, elastomers, plastics and similar products. The company takes care of the complete production cycle of its products including design, production, marketing, installation, maintenance. The company proudly offer high quality instruments and services by selecting advanced components and technologies and incorporating acquired know-how and customer feedback into its products.
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The Demo Room 
The Demonstration Room is equipped with the full range of instruments in production and a multimedia connection for remote demonstrations. The room is intended for carrying out demonstration tests on customers' products. Tests can be carried out in accordance with international standards or according to specific needs. It is possible to: - Arrange a visit to our premises to carry out direct tests on your products - Schedule a test session via remote connection to see the instrument performing tests on your samples.
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The ISO 17025-Accredited Calibration Lab 
Gibitre Instruments is ACCREDIA Calibration Laboratory (LAT 00455) in accordance with ISO 17025 and provides calibration services for: • Shore and IRHD hardness testers • Tensile Testers (force, elongation and speed)
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Gibitre Instruments S.r.l., Via dell'industria 73, 24126 Bergamo Italia, P. IVA: IT02827900164 CCIAA REA Bergamo: 326486 | ©2018 - 2025 Gibitre Instruments
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