Smart Test Identification
The Release 10 of Gibitre programs enables smart test identification methods

Test Identification 
All Gibitre programs permit to identify the test to be carried out simply and quickly.
For each test it is possible to specify:
• Order
• Lot
• Batch
• Customer
• Product
• Specimen preparation or aging treatment
• Date and Time (entered automatically)
• Unique test identifier (entered automatically)
• Notes

Test Identification and Tolerance limits 
The correct identification of the test allows to automatically activate the control of the tolerance limits foreseen for the product during the test execution. At the end of the test you will immediately know if the test results are ok or not. This information will be saved for further verification.

Test Identification and Traceability 
Identifying the test results correctly is the key to maintaining complete traceability of the archived results.
The Datagest program allows you to retrieve, filter, compare all the archived results with All the instruments connected to the Gibitre database.

The list of pending tests: ToDoList 
The ToDoList, introduced with version 10 of the Gibitre programs, is the list of tests that the instrument will perform in sequence. Each box corresponds to a test to be performed.
Tests can be inserted, moved and removed in the ToDoList even during tests.
The race test is identified with the green background.
When a test has been completed, the corresponding box is removed from the list.

New Tests to do: Manual Entry 
The easiest method to insert new tests into the ToDoList is manual insertion. By clicking on the insertion button, the user can type Order, Batch, Batch and Specimen and select Product, Customer, Treatment.

New Tests to do: Select a Job with a Single Click 
Manual insertion has two disadvantages:
- Possible typing errors
- Need to enter all data for tests with multiple instruments.
Gibitre programs allow you to select a job code with a single click. All information relating to the test is associated with the Order:
- Order, Batch, Batch, Product, Customer, Treatment, Number of tests to be done, Test procedure to be used.
The same Job code will allow you to identify the test with a click with each instrument from Gibitre!

Management of Jobs 
It is possible to manage the Job List manually through the Datagest program but the most efficient method is the synchronization of data with your Business Management Program. Gibitre has developed a simple synchronization program that is helping hundreds of companies since years to have an updated list of orders to be carried out.

Advantages of test Identification by Job Selection 
The advantages are manifold:
- Ability to use barcode readers
- A single click on the bar code inserts the tests to be done in the ToDoList
- The same Job Order can be recalled from all connected instruments
- No typing errors

Which Procedure must be used for this test? 
Many companies have developed numerous different test procedures to better control products. Sometimes it is difficult to remember which procedure should be used for a specific product.
Version 10 Gibitre programs help you solve this problem: each product can be associated with a specific test procedure through the Datagest program.
More simply, when you use a procedure to make a test, the program will ask you if the same procedure will be used for subsequent tests of the same product.

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The Release 10 of Gibitre programs enables smart test identification methods

Smart Test Identification

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The Release 10 of Gibitre programs enables smart test identification methods
Test Identification 
All Gibitre programs permit to identify the test to be carried out simply and quickly.
For each test it is possible to specify:
• Order
• Lot
• Batch
• Customer
• Product
• Specimen preparation or aging treatment
• Date and Time (entered automatically)
• Unique test identifier (entered automatically)
• Notes
Test Identification and Tolerance limits 
The correct identification of the test allows to automatically activate the control of the tolerance limits foreseen for the product during the test execution. At the end of the test you will immediately know if the test results are ok or not. This information will be saved for further verification.
Test Identification and Traceability 
Identifying the test results correctly is the key to maintaining complete traceability of the archived results.
The Datagest program allows you to retrieve, filter, compare all the archived results with All the instruments connected to the Gibitre database.
The list of pending tests: ToDoList 
The ToDoList, introduced with version 10 of the Gibitre programs, is the list of tests that the instrument will perform in sequence. Each box corresponds to a test to be performed.
Tests can be inserted, moved and removed in the ToDoList even during tests.
The race test is identified with the green background.
When a test has been completed, the corresponding box is removed from the list.
New Tests to do: Manual Entry 
The easiest method to insert new tests into the ToDoList is manual insertion. By clicking on the insertion button, the user can type Order, Batch, Batch and Specimen and select Product, Customer, Treatment.
New Tests to do: Select a Job with a Single Click 
Manual insertion has two disadvantages:
- Possible typing errors
- Need to enter all data for tests with multiple instruments.
Gibitre programs allow you to select a job code with a single click. All information relating to the test is associated with the Order:
- Order, Batch, Batch, Product, Customer, Treatment, Number of tests to be done, Test procedure to be used.
The same Job code will allow you to identify the test with a click with each instrument from Gibitre!
Management of Jobs 
It is possible to manage the Job List manually through the Datagest program but the most efficient method is the synchronization of data with your Business Management Program. Gibitre has developed a simple synchronization program that is helping hundreds of companies since years to have an updated list of orders to be carried out.
Advantages of test Identification by Job Selection 
The advantages are manifold:
- Ability to use barcode readers
- A single click on the bar code inserts the tests to be done in the ToDoList
- The same Job Order can be recalled from all connected instruments
- No typing errors
Which Procedure must be used for this test? 
Many companies have developed numerous different test procedures to better control products. Sometimes it is difficult to remember which procedure should be used for a specific product.
Version 10 Gibitre programs help you solve this problem: each product can be associated with a specific test procedure through the Datagest program.
More simply, when you use a procedure to make a test, the program will ask you if the same procedure will be used for subsequent tests of the same product.
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