OzoneCheck_10 Software
The software permits to set automatically the instrument according to the selected test procedure, to perform the tests, to prepare test reports, to store test results.

The program allows you to:
• Prepare customized test procedures by defining the test parameters (ozone concentration, temperature, number of air changes, duration of the test, concentration of humidity).
• Automatically adjust the instrument according to the parameters of the selected test procedure
• Display the Curves of the ozone concentration, humidity and temperature over time.
• Save test curves and images imported into Gibitre's SQL database.

Test Procedures 
The Test procedures define the test conditions relating to:
• Ozone concentration
• Test temperature
• Air flow rate
• Duration of the test
• Relative humidity concentration (optional)

When a test procedure is selected, the instrument adjustment is done completely automatically.

It is possible to copy and modify the predefined Test Procedures or prepare completely customized ones through the Datagest program (installed together with the OzoneCheck program).

Management of Groups of Samples 
The software allows you to manage the execution of tests on different specimens in a very efficient way allowing:
- to enter the identification of each group of specimens
- to specify the test time and any suspensions for intermediate verification of the specimens

When the time for a verification or for the removal of a group of specimens has been reached, the software suspends the generation of ozone to allow access to the test chamber and operate on the specimens.

The addition of new groups of specimens can also be carried out when the test is already in progress: it will be sufficient to wait for the instrument to suspend the generation of ozone to allow it to be inserted

Inserting Specimens Images 
The software allows to associate to each group of specimens a sequence of images that describe their status during the test time.
The images are saved in the database together with the test curves and are shown on the test report.

Test report 
Can be printed or saved to pdf in one of the available languages. The format of the Test Report can be customized by the user.

Continuation of the Test after unwanted interruption 
The instrument continuously stores the working conditions. After an electrical black out, the user can restart the program and continue the interrupted test.

Management of Test Results 
The results and test curves of all the tests carried out are saved in the Gibitre SQL database and are available through the Datagest program.

Datagest is the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) which is always installed in combination with all Gibitre instrument-control programs.
The program is the collector for all the test result produced with the instruments connected and permits to manage the common Archives used by the instruments (Product List, Customer List, Tolerance limits, Order List, etc)

Language Selection 
All the programs produced by Gibitre are multi-language and allow the operator to select the language of use.
The test report can be produced in the desired language regardless of the language of use of the program.
The languages available at the moment are: Italian, English, German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Czech

Hardware requirements 
• Programs can be installed on standard PCs with WINDOWS 10 or 11 OPERATING SYSTEM.
• The CONNECTION between the instruments and the PC is made using the USB CABLE supplied with the instrument.
• The programs are COMPATIBLE WITH ANTIVIRUS, and other programs installed on the PC.

Gibitre Instruments
Via dell'industria, 18
Bergamo (Italy)
te. +39 035 461146

Copyright Gibitre Instruments
The software permits to set automatically the instrument according to the selected test procedure, to perform the tests, to prepare test reports, to store test results.

OzoneCheck_10 Software

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The software permits to set automatically the instrument according to the selected test procedure, to perform the tests, to prepare test reports, to store test results.
The program allows you to:
• Prepare customized test procedures by defining the test parameters (ozone concentration, temperature, number of air changes, duration of the test, concentration of humidity).
• Automatically adjust the instrument according to the parameters of the selected test procedure
• Display the Curves of the ozone concentration, humidity and temperature over time.
• Save test curves and images imported into Gibitre's SQL database.
Test Procedures 
The Test procedures define the test conditions relating to:
• Ozone concentration
• Test temperature
• Air flow rate
• Duration of the test
• Relative humidity concentration (optional)

When a test procedure is selected, the instrument adjustment is done completely automatically.

It is possible to copy and modify the predefined Test Procedures or prepare completely customized ones through the Datagest program (installed together with the OzoneCheck program).
Management of Groups of Samples 
The software allows you to manage the execution of tests on different specimens in a very efficient way allowing:
- to enter the identification of each group of specimens
- to specify the test time and any suspensions for intermediate verification of the specimens

When the time for a verification or for the removal of a group of specimens has been reached, the software suspends the generation of ozone to allow access to the test chamber and operate on the specimens.

The addition of new groups of specimens can also be carried out when the test is already in progress: it will be sufficient to wait for the instrument to suspend the generation of ozone to allow it to be inserted
Inserting Specimens Images 
The software allows to associate to each group of specimens a sequence of images that describe their status during the test time.
The images are saved in the database together with the test curves and are shown on the test report.
Test report 
Can be printed or saved to pdf in one of the available languages. The format of the Test Report can be customized by the user.
Example of test Report
Continuation of the Test after unwanted interruption 
The instrument continuously stores the working conditions. After an electrical black out, the user can restart the program and continue the interrupted test.
Management of Test Results 
The results and test curves of all the tests carried out are saved in the Gibitre SQL database and are available through the Datagest program.

Datagest is the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) which is always installed in combination with all Gibitre instrument-control programs.
The program is the collector for all the test result produced with the instruments connected and permits to manage the common Archives used by the instruments (Product List, Customer List, Tolerance limits, Order List, etc)
Language Selection 
All the programs produced by Gibitre are multi-language and allow the operator to select the language of use.
The test report can be produced in the desired language regardless of the language of use of the program.
The languages available at the moment are: Italian, English, German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Czech
Hardware requirements 
• Programs can be installed on standard PCs with WINDOWS 10 or 11 OPERATING SYSTEM.
• The CONNECTION between the instruments and the PC is made using the USB CABLE supplied with the instrument.
• The programs are COMPATIBLE WITH ANTIVIRUS, and other programs installed on the PC.
General catalogue

Ozone Check - UV
See also   >
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