De Mattia Fatigue Check - A.I. Camera
Instrument for fatigue resistance tests in bending and in tension at controlled temperature (-40 ÷ + 200°C) with automatic inspection of the specimens through video cameras

Standards the instrument complies with:   
ASTM D813;   ASTM D430-B;   ISO 132;   ISO 6943;   JIS K_6260;    

An instrument with Unique Features 
This revolutionary Flexometer De Mattia, equipped with Climatic Camera for performing temperature-controlled tests and 6 Video Cameras for capturing and analyzing images of the 12 specimens produces as an automatic test result a Video of the progressive degradation of the specimen during the entire test cycle.

The instrument, which captures images without interrupting operation, dramatically reduces the testing time by eliminating all the interruptions and manual tasks that are normally required to evaluate the status of specimens.

The video and images produced make it possible to objectively document the results of the testing, allowing analyzing crack evolution in extreme detail.

Test Setups 
The instrument allows all test parameters to be set at the beginning of the test:
Oscillation frequency (0 ÷ 300 rpm)
Stroke (0 ÷ 60 mm)
Test temperature (-40 ÷ +200°C)
Total number of cycles (max 10,000,000)
Test modes (Fatigue, Crack Growth)
Illumination of the specimens
Identification of the 12 specimens
Frequency of image acquisition

Performing the test 
To perform the test, simply insert the 12 specimens into the instrument, and press start.
The instrument automatically adjusts the temperature and following thermal conditioning begins the test cycle by recording images of each specimen without stopping the oscillation until the total number of cycles set is reached.
The Artificial Intelligence algorithm analyzes all images to determine the presence of cracks (Fatigue Test) or crack size (Crack Growth Test)
At the end of the test, all images for each specimen are automatically edited into a video that includes useful information (Number of Cycles, Crack Presence/Size, Temperature). Videos of the 12 specimens are downloadable via USB or LAN port.

Temperature Range 
The sample holding system is located in a Environmental chamber which permits to set the temperature between -40°C and 200 °C.

Image acquisition system 
The instrument is equipped with 6 BW video cameras with a resolution of 600x450 pixels that allow you to simultaneously acquire the images of all 12 mounted specimens (each video camera acquires the image of 2 specimens).
A LED lighting device has been developed which guarantees the correct illumination of the specimens and, in combination with the software setting of the exposure of the cameras, allows to obtain optimal images for specimens of various colors.
Image acquisition and lighting are synchronized with the movement of the specimen to always acquire the image in the same position (settable) without interrupting the operation of the instrument
The frequencies of acquisition and saving of the images before the crack is identified and after its identification can be set by the user based on the characteristics of the product to be tested (minimum frequency per sample 20 seconds)

Control device 
The complete control of the instrument is carried out through the powerful software installed in the PC inside the machine and through the 15 '' touch-screen control panel.
The software allows you to:
- Set the frequency, the temperature and the number of cycles to be carried out
- Identify the 12 specimens
- Record the images of each of the 12 samples with set frequency
- Analyze images with Artificial Intelligence algorithm for automatic detection of the crack start
- Perform a slide-show of the images recorded for each sample
- Download the images via USB port to an external support

Management of Sample Images 
The images related to each specimen are saved in the internal memory of the device (up to 10,000 images can be stored)
The software allows you to view all the images related to each specimen in sequence
The name with which each image is saved includes the position, the identification, the number of cycles performed at the time of setting, the presence of crack.

Artificial Intelligence Algorithm 
The analysis algorithm analyzes all images to identify the presence of cracks.
The algorithm was educated in acquiring images of specimens with different colors and polymers.
When the algorithm identifies the presence of a crack, the software records the number of cycles at which the crack identification occurred and automatically changes the image saving rate based on the settings.

Automatic generation od the movie for each sample 
The management of thousands of images for each sample requires time and memory for storage.
The software of the instrument automatically produces a movie for each sample using the images stored. The movie shows the evolution of the sample and the corresponding number of cycles. The movies can be downloaded to USB of using network connection.

Sample holders 
The sample holder permits to test 12 samples simultaneously.
The exclusive movement system with both sample holders moving in opposite directions ensures extremely low levels of noise and vibrations.

Instrument Regulation 
According to test specification, the instrument can be easily adjusted by setting
• Test frequency (60 to 300 rpm)
• Test stroke (0 to 60 mm)
• The distance of the grips (up to 100 mm)
• The number of cycles before automatic stop can be set (up to 1.000.000)

Cooling system 
The instrument produced by Gibitre uses a Refrigeration Unit to reduce the temperature.
The use of the refrigeration unit, compared to cooling by liquid nitrogen, allows to:
• control the test temperature perfectly, avoiding oscillations that may alter the results.
• Carry out long-term tests without risking to end the liquid nitrogen supply before finishing the test
• Eliminate the hazards related with manipulation of nitrogen

Mould for De Mattia Flexure test 
Mould for De Mattia dynamic tester according to ISO 132, ASTM D 430-method B, DIN 53 522 standards.

Piercing tool 
The piercing tool allows to realize the standard notch to carry out crack-growth tests.

Development and production 
The instrument is totally developed and produced in the plant of Gibitre Instruments in Italy.
All the mechanical parts are produced in the company workshop using modern CNC machines.
Components and sensors from well-known brands are selected in order to ensure the maximum reliability in the measures
Internal trained personnel takes care of all the production stages: assembly, start-up, calibration, packing, shipment and installation.

Standard Calibration service for De Mattia Fatigue Check 
The calibration is performed with reference to the requirements of ISO 132 standard.
The service includes:
• Ordinary maintenance of the instrument
• Calibration of the oscillation speed.
• Calibration of the dimension of the templates.
• Calibration of the temperature inside the environmental chamber at 4 temperatures (for flexometers with environmental Chamber)
• Issue and e-mail shipment of the Calibration Certificate with traceability to primary standards.

Safety devices 
• Safety protection doors fitted with safety switch.
• Safety Push-button
• Digital Motor controller with torque overload control.
• CE labelling

An instrument with Unique Features 
• De Mattia Test for Fatigue & Crack-Growth
• Fatigue Test in Traction
• 12-position test holder
• Testing in Temperature between -40°C and 200°C
• 6 Video Cameras for Automatic Image Acquisition
• Image analysis using Artificial Intelligence
• Fatigue Test: Auto-Detection of the presence of cracks
• Crack Growth Test: Auto-Measurement of Crack size
• Automatic generation of movies for 12 samples
• Excel file for Crack Size-Cycles.

Instrument Characteristics 
Speed adjustment 
from 60 to 300 Cycles/min - 1 to 5 Hz 
Run adjustment 
Between 0 and 60 mm 
Set of the number of cycles before automatic stop 
Between 1 and 10^9 
Distance of the grips 
Maximum 100 mm 
Sample holder 
12 samples can be tested at the same time 
Maximum force in traction 
700 N (at 1 Hz oscillation speed) 
Environmental Chamber 
Test temperature (without optional refrigerator) 
From room temperature to 200°C (1°C resolution). 
Air Flow 
Internal air recirculation without air exchange 
Test temperature (with refrigeration unit) 
From -40°C to 200°C (1°C resolution). 
Control diplay and Software 
Control diplay and Software 
Touch-screen Display 15" 
Software Funtctions 
Setting of temperature, frequency and number of cycles, identification of specimens, storage of images with settable frequency, slide-show of recorded images, storage of the number of cycles at crack start, images download 

Video cameras for image acquisition 
6 BW video cameras with resolution 600x450 pixels. Each camera captures the image of 2 samples 
Lighting system 
Led lighting system. Ignition synchronized with oscillation 
Lighting system 
Image Analysis through Artificial Intelligence 
The algorithm identifies the presence of cracks with specimens of different colors and polymers 
Safety Devices 
Safety Devices 
Safety protection doors with safety switches
Safety Pushbutton
Motor controller with torque overload control
CE labelling 
CE Labelling 
Calibration Report conforming to ISO 132 and ISO 6943 and Enviromnetla chamber temperature calibration, with traceability to primary references 
Technical specifications 
Power supply 
220 VAC ±10%, 50 Hz ±3, 14 A -single phase - 110 VAC ±10%, 60 Hz ±3 on request 
Electrical Power (instrument + environmental chamber) 
3 kW 
Instrument Dimensions 
(Width x Depth x Height) 960 x 900 x 1750 mm 
Thermal Chamber Internal dimensions 
(Width x Depth x Height) 240  x 230 x 600 mm 
300 Kg (optional refrigeration unit: 40 Kg) 
Noise level 
< 50 dB 

Gibitre Instruments
Via dell'industria, 18
Bergamo (Italy)
te. +39 035 461146

Copyright Gibitre Instruments
Instrument for fatigue resistance tests in bending and in tension at controlled temperature (-40 ÷ + 200°C) with automatic inspection of the specimens through video cameras

De Mattia Fatigue Check - A.I. Camera

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Instrument for fatigue resistance tests in bending and in tension at controlled temperature (-40 ÷ + 200°C) with automatic inspection of the specimens through video cameras
Why Choose De Mattia Fatigue Check - A.I. Camera ?
An instrument with Unique Features 
This revolutionary Flexometer De Mattia, equipped with Climatic Camera for performing temperature-controlled tests and 6 Video Cameras for capturing and analyzing images of the 12 specimens produces as an automatic test result a Video of the progressive degradation of the specimen during the entire test cycle.

The instrument, which captures images without interrupting operation, dramatically reduces the testing time by eliminating all the interruptions and manual tasks that are normally required to evaluate the status of specimens.

The video and images produced make it possible to objectively document the results of the testing, allowing analyzing crack evolution in extreme detail.
Test Setups 
The instrument allows all test parameters to be set at the beginning of the test:
Oscillation frequency (0 ÷ 300 rpm)
Stroke (0 ÷ 60 mm)
Test temperature (-40 ÷ +200°C)
Total number of cycles (max 10,000,000)
Test modes (Fatigue, Crack Growth)
Illumination of the specimens
Identification of the 12 specimens
Frequency of image acquisition
Performing the test 
To perform the test, simply insert the 12 specimens into the instrument, and press start.
The instrument automatically adjusts the temperature and following thermal conditioning begins the test cycle by recording images of each specimen without stopping the oscillation until the total number of cycles set is reached.
The Artificial Intelligence algorithm analyzes all images to determine the presence of cracks (Fatigue Test) or crack size (Crack Growth Test)
At the end of the test, all images for each specimen are automatically edited into a video that includes useful information (Number of Cycles, Crack Presence/Size, Temperature). Videos of the 12 specimens are downloadable via USB or LAN port.
Temperature Range 
The sample holding system is located in a Environmental chamber which permits to set the temperature between -40°C and 200 °C.
Image acquisition system 
The instrument is equipped with 6 BW video cameras with a resolution of 600x450 pixels that allow you to simultaneously acquire the images of all 12 mounted specimens (each video camera acquires the image of 2 specimens).
A LED lighting device has been developed which guarantees the correct illumination of the specimens and, in combination with the software setting of the exposure of the cameras, allows to obtain optimal images for specimens of various colors.
Image acquisition and lighting are synchronized with the movement of the specimen to always acquire the image in the same position (settable) without interrupting the operation of the instrument
The frequencies of acquisition and saving of the images before the crack is identified and after its identification can be set by the user based on the characteristics of the product to be tested (minimum frequency per sample 20 seconds)
Control device 
The complete control of the instrument is carried out through the powerful software installed in the PC inside the machine and through the 15 '' touch-screen control panel.
The software allows you to:
- Set the frequency, the temperature and the number of cycles to be carried out
- Identify the 12 specimens
- Record the images of each of the 12 samples with set frequency
- Analyze images with Artificial Intelligence algorithm for automatic detection of the crack start
- Perform a slide-show of the images recorded for each sample
- Download the images via USB port to an external support
Management of Sample Images 
The images related to each specimen are saved in the internal memory of the device (up to 10,000 images can be stored)
The software allows you to view all the images related to each specimen in sequence
The name with which each image is saved includes the position, the identification, the number of cycles performed at the time of setting, the presence of crack.
Artificial Intelligence Algorithm 
The analysis algorithm analyzes all images to identify the presence of cracks.
The algorithm was educated in acquiring images of specimens with different colors and polymers.
When the algorithm identifies the presence of a crack, the software records the number of cycles at which the crack identification occurred and automatically changes the image saving rate based on the settings.
Automatic generation od the movie for each sample 
The management of thousands of images for each sample requires time and memory for storage.
The software of the instrument automatically produces a movie for each sample using the images stored. The movie shows the evolution of the sample and the corresponding number of cycles. The movies can be downloaded to USB of using network connection.
Look at the movie
Sample holders 
The sample holder permits to test 12 samples simultaneously.
The exclusive movement system with both sample holders moving in opposite directions ensures extremely low levels of noise and vibrations.
Look at the Movie
Instrument Regulation 
According to test specification, the instrument can be easily adjusted by setting
• Test frequency (60 to 300 rpm)
• Test stroke (0 to 60 mm)
• The distance of the grips (up to 100 mm)
• The number of cycles before automatic stop can be set (up to 1.000.000)
Cooling system 
The instrument produced by Gibitre uses a Refrigeration Unit to reduce the temperature.
The use of the refrigeration unit, compared to cooling by liquid nitrogen, allows to:
• control the test temperature perfectly, avoiding oscillations that may alter the results.
• Carry out long-term tests without risking to end the liquid nitrogen supply before finishing the test
• Eliminate the hazards related with manipulation of nitrogen
Mould for De Mattia Flexure test 
Mould for De Mattia dynamic tester according to ISO 132, ASTM D 430-method B, DIN 53 522 standards.
Piercing tool 
The piercing tool allows to realize the standard notch to carry out crack-growth tests.
Development and production 
The instrument is totally developed and produced in the plant of Gibitre Instruments in Italy.
All the mechanical parts are produced in the company workshop using modern CNC machines.
Components and sensors from well-known brands are selected in order to ensure the maximum reliability in the measures
Internal trained personnel takes care of all the production stages: assembly, start-up, calibration, packing, shipment and installation.
Standard Calibration service for De Mattia Fatigue Check 
The calibration is performed with reference to the requirements of ISO 132 standard.
The service includes:
• Ordinary maintenance of the instrument
• Calibration of the oscillation speed.
• Calibration of the dimension of the templates.
• Calibration of the temperature inside the environmental chamber at 4 temperatures (for flexometers with environmental Chamber)
• Issue and e-mail shipment of the Calibration Certificate with traceability to primary standards.
Sample Calibration Report
Safety devices 
• Safety protection doors fitted with safety switch.
• Safety Push-button
• Digital Motor controller with torque overload control.
• CE labelling
An instrument with Unique Features 
• De Mattia Test for Fatigue & Crack-Growth
• Fatigue Test in Traction
• 12-position test holder
• Testing in Temperature between -40°C and 200°C
• 6 Video Cameras for Automatic Image Acquisition
• Image analysis using Artificial Intelligence
• Fatigue Test: Auto-Detection of the presence of cracks
• Crack Growth Test: Auto-Measurement of Crack size
• Automatic generation of movies for 12 samples
• Excel file for Crack Size-Cycles.
Technical specification
Reference Standards
Standards the instrument complies with:  ISO 132; ISO 6943; ASTM D813; ASTM D430-B; JIS K_6260;  
Instrument Characteristics
Speed adjustment  from 60 to 300 Cycles/min - 1 to 5 Hz  Run adjustment  Between 0 and 60 mm  Set of the number of cycles before automatic stop  Between 1 and 10^9  Distance of the grips  Maximum 100 mm  Sample holder  12 samples can be tested at the same time  Maximum force in traction  700 N (at 1 Hz oscillation speed) 
Environmental Chamber
Test temperature (without optional refrigerator)  From room temperature to 200°C (1°C resolution).  Air Flow  Internal air recirculation without air exchange  Test temperature (with refrigeration unit)  From -40°C to 200°C (1°C resolution). 
Control diplay and Software
Control diplay and Software  Touch-screen Display 15"  Software Funtctions  Setting of temperature, frequency and number of cycles, identification of specimens, storage of images with settable frequency, slide-show of recorded images, storage of the number of cycles at crack start, images download  Video cameras for image acquisition  6 BW video cameras with resolution 600x450 pixels. Each camera captures the image of 2 samples  Lighting system  Led lighting system. Ignition synchronized with oscillation 
Lighting system
Image Analysis through Artificial Intelligence  The algorithm identifies the presence of cracks with specimens of different colors and polymers 
Safety Devices
Safety Devices  Safety protection doors with safety switches
Safety Pushbutton
Motor controller with torque overload control
CE labelling 
Labelling  CE Labelling 
Calibration  Calibration Report conforming to ISO 132 and ISO 6943 and Enviromnetla chamber temperature calibration, with traceability to primary references 
Technical specifications
Power supply  220 VAC ±10%, 50 Hz ±3, 14 A -single phase - 110 VAC ±10%, 60 Hz ±3 on request  Electrical Power (instrument + environmental chamber)  3 kW  Instrument Dimensions  (Width x Depth x Height) 960 x 900 x 1750 mm  Thermal Chamber Internal dimensions  (Width x Depth x Height) 240  x 230 x 600 mm  Weight  300 Kg (optional refrigeration unit: 40 Kg)  Noise level  < 50 dB 
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