Gibitre Instruments
Via dell'industria, 18
Bergamo (Italy)
te. +39 035 461146

Copyright Gibitre Instruments

Technical assistance

We are ready to help you
With this simple form 
I need a remote connection
By sending this request you agree that your data will be handled according to Gibitre Instruments's privacy policy only for the sending of technical documentation and information material.
I Agree

With a dedicated e-mail 
If you prefer to write us, you are welcome.
Please include in the text:
– Instrument type
– Instrument serial number
– A brief description of the issue
– Your maintenance program code (if exist)
– Your name and direct phone
With a direct phone number 
Sometimes things gets shorter with a straight talk.
In this case be prepared to have at shorthand:
– Instrument type
– Instrument serial number
– Maintenance program number (if exist)
With remote assistance 
Using Teamviewer we can go straight to where you need our help.
Please download the client software and request a connection, we will get a better comprehension of your needs and we will guide you through the resolution of your issues.
Call to action
The good old e-mail
ready for every season
+39 035 460146
Your calls are always welcome
monday to friday
Stay updated
with the last news
of your sector
Local agent
+1 877 884 8378 (Ext. 233)
Greg Skory
from: us
See the whole list

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in your language
at your service
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